
卡拉·哈里斯是摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的高级客户顾问。raybet炉石传说她最近的一个副主席负责增加客户机连通性和渗透整个公司提高收入。她曾担任新兴经理平台,股权资本市场的努力为消费者和零售行业和负责股权私募配售。雷竞技手机版app哈里斯女士在她30 +年的职业生涯中,有丰富的行业经验技术、媒体、零售、电信、交通、工业和医疗领域。2013年8月,卡拉·哈里斯是由美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)任命国家妇女商业委员会主席。了十多年,哈里斯女士是一个高级的成员银团承销部门和执行此类交易作为UPS的首次公开发行(ipo),玛莎斯图尔特生活全媒体公司,Ariba,影响力,德尔福汽车的通用汽车(General Motors) sub-IPO,和32亿美元的普通股交易Immunex公司最大的生物技术之一美国历史上常见的股票交易。哈里斯女士被任命为《财富》杂志的“50个最强大的黑人在美国企业界高管”,《财富》杂志最具影响力名单,美国银行家前25位最有权势的女性金融(2009、2010、2011),黑人企业75强最强大的女性在商业(2017),和“华尔街的前75名非洲裔美国人”,和本质杂志的“50的女性塑造世界”,乌木的名单的100年,“15企业女性顶部”并被命名为“2004年的女人”哈佛大学黑人的论坛,2011年耶鲁黑人男性的论坛。加入摩根士丹利(Morgan Straybet炉石传说anley)之前,卡拉获得MBA学位,第二年荣誉从哈佛商学院和哈佛大学经济学的AB,以优等成绩毕业。卡拉还获得了荣誉博士学位的法律,人文学科和业务从曼哈顿Marymount大学,布卢姆菲尔德大学,大学交谈,杰克逊维尔大学,西蒙斯学院,学院的新罗谢尔,圣托马斯·阿奎那大学,巴布森学院和菲斯克大学,维克森林大学分别和Felician大学。卡拉·哈里斯是积极参与社区和由衷地认为,“我们很幸运,我们可以成为别人的祝福。” She is the past Chair of the Board of the Morgan Stanley Foundation and of The Executive Leadership Council, and sits on the boards of Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO), The Sesame Workshop, Mother Cabrini Health Foundation and is an active member of the St. Charles Gospelites of the St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church and the Mark Howell Singers. She is a member of the board of overseers of Harvard University and of the board of directors of the Walmart Corporation, Cummins Corporation and MetLife. Ms. Harris was co-chair of the National Social Action Commission of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. She has been named to the New Jersey Hall of Fame (2015) and has received the Bert King Award from the Harvard Business School African American Alumni Association, the 2005 Women’s Professional Achievement Award from Harvard University, the Pierre Toussaint Medallion from the Office of Black Ministry of the Archdiocese of New York, the Women of Power Award given by the National Urban League, the Women of Influence Award from The Links, Incorporated and many other awards. In her other life, Carla is a singer who has sold out concerts at Carnegie Hall and the Apollo Theatre, and released 4 Gospel CDs:“O This is Christmas” (2021) “Unceasing Praise” (2011), “Joy Is Waiting”(2005), and her first CD entitled, “Carla’s First Christmas”(2000), was a bestseller on Amazon.com in New York and was featured on the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather in his “American Dream” segment. She is also an internationally renowned public speaker and the author of the books, Strategize to Win (2014), Expect to Win (2009) (Hudson Press) and of Lead To Win (2022).
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