  • 雷电竞app下载关于市场播客的思考
  • 2022年11月17日




Jay Bacow:我是Jay Bacow,美国证券产品研究部的另一位联席主管。


Jay Bacow:吉姆,现在是展望的季节。当我们考虑房地产市场的前景时,我们不仅仅是在2023年,人们一生都住在房子里。

吉姆·伊根:完全正确。我们正在考虑房地产市场将会发生什么,不仅是在23年,而且在今年的展望版本中。但只是为了提醒听众,我们在过去的播客中讨论过这个问题,但我们对2023年的看法并没有太大改变。我们认为我们将看到的是房地产市场活动之间的分歧,即房屋销售和房屋开工率,以及房价。造成这种分化的最大因素是负担能力。由于价格的上涨,由于我们今年看到的抵押贷款利率的惊人增长,负担能力的恶化速度比我们所见过的更快。这将使销售额下降。但目前房主的负担能力并没有发生太大变化。我们说的是对首次购房者和潜在购房者的影响。目前的房主在很多情况下都锁定了非常低的30年期固定利率抵押贷款。 We think they're just incentivized to keep their homes off the market, they're locked into their current mortgage, if you will. That keeps supply down, that also means they're not buying a home on the follow, so it means that sales fall even faster. Sales have outpaced the drop during the great financial crisis. We think that continues through the middle of next year. We think sales ultimately fall 11% next year from an already double digit decrease in 2022 on a year over year basis. But we do think home prices are more protected. We think they only fall 4% year over year next year, but when we look out to 2024, it's that same affordability metric that we really want to be focused on. And, home prices plays a role, but so do mortgage rates. Jay, how are we thinking about the path for mortgage rates into 2024?

Jay Bacow:正确的。显然抵押贷款利率的最大驱动因素首先是国债利率然后是国债利率和抵押贷款利率之间的风险溢价。推动美国国债利率上涨的因素之一是市场对美联储政策的预期。我们的经济学家预计,美联储将在2024年的每次会议上降息25个基点,使美联储的利率下降200个基点。当你考虑到收益率曲线反转的事实,我们的利率策略师预计10年期国债将在2023年进一步下跌,抵押贷款的风险溢价已经相当大,我们认为息差可能会收窄。我们认为,房主的抵押贷款利率可能会从今年略高于7%的峰值,到2024年可能会降至6%以下。吉姆,这应该有助于负担得起,至少在边际上。


Jay Bacow:正确的。现在我们来看美国抵押贷款利率的分布,它不是均匀分布的。平均抵押贷款利率是3.5%,但现在,当我们考虑有多少房主至少有25个基点的动机再融资时,这通常是最低门槛,它是0.0%。如果抵押贷款利率下降到4%,比现在低2.5个百分点,我们仍然只有10%的人有再融资的动机。因此,虽然利率下降会有所帮助,但供应不会泛滥。

吉姆·伊根:我们认为,当谈到房价能跌多远时,这一点很重要。这种锁定效应仍将非常普遍。我们确实认为,这将继续支撑房价,即使当我们展望2023年至2024年甚至更远的时候,房价在逐年下降。现在,当我们与市场参与者交谈时,我们对这一前景的最大阻力是我们太有建设性了。人们认为房价会进一步下跌,他们认为房价会更快下跌。在这些谈话中出现的原因之一是对大金融危机的一些锚定。房价从高峰到低谷下跌了大约30%,但我们认为重要的是要注意从高峰到低谷用了五年多的时间。在这个周期中,房价在2022年6月见顶,所以明年12月距离现在只有18个月。历史上房价下跌最快的一次,或者说在12个月内下跌幅度最大的一次,是在大金融危机期间,下跌了12.7%。这带来了很大的压力,迫使卖家违约和丧失抵押品赎回权,才降至-12.7%。 We think that without that distress, because of how robust lending standards have been, the down 4% is a lot more realistic for what we could be over the course of next year. Going further out the narrative that we'll hear pretty frequently is, well, home prices climbed 40% during the pandemic, they can reverse out the entirety of that 40%. And we think that that relies on kind of a faulty premise that in the absence of COVID, if we never had to deal with this pandemic for the past roughly three years, that home prices would have just been flat. If we had this conversation in 2019, we were talking about a lot of demand for shelter, we were talking about a lack of supply of shelter. Not clearly the imbalance that we saw in the aftermath of the pandemic, but those ingredients were still in place for home prices to climb. If we pull trend home price growth from 2015 to 2019, forward to the end of 2023, and compare that to where we expect home prices to be with the decrease that we're already forecasting, the gap between home prices and where that trend price growth implies they should have been, 9%. Till the end of 2024 that gap is only 5%. While home prices can certainly overcorrect to the other side of that trend line, we think that the lack of supply that we're talking about because of the lock in effect, we think that the lack of defaults and foreclosures because of how robust lending standards have been, we do think that that leaves home prices much more protected, doesn't allow for those very big year over year decreases. And we think peak to trough is a lot more control probably in the mid-teens in this cycle.

Jay Bacow:因此,当我们考虑2023年及以后美国房地产市场的前景时,房屋销售活动将会下降。房价会有所下降,但由于锁定效应,以及美国房地产市场信贷标准的前景比之前更好,房价不会出现我们在金融危机期间看到的那种下跌。

Jay Bacow:吉姆,和你聊天总是很愉快。


Jay Bacow:感谢大家的聆听。如果你喜欢《市场思考》,请雷电竞app下载在苹果播客应用程序上给我们留下评论,并在今天与朋友或同事分享播客。


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