  • 访问和机会播客
  • 2021年1月8日





卡拉·哈里斯:在本期的“获取与机会”节目中,我们欢迎#WeAllGrow拉丁网络的创始人兼首席执行官,企业家Ana Flores。Ana是第一个也是最大的拉丁裔数字网红网络的创建者,也是1%的拉丁裔公司收入达到100万美元大关的公司之一。在没有外部投资的情况下,她在庆祝#WeAllGrow拉丁裔网络成立10周年之际,继续通过社区的力量提高拉丁裔的声音。





安娜弗洛雷斯:是的。我出生在德克萨斯州。我出生在休斯顿。我爸爸还住在那里。我父母都来自萨尔瓦多。谢天谢地,他们决定在我六岁的时候离婚,因为那真的定义了一切,以及我是谁。我妈妈搬回来和我还有我妹妹住在一起。你知道,用一辆小货车抓住了我们,我想是,然后把我们带回了萨尔瓦多——我真正长大的地方,我成长的地方。但我的性格形成期不只是在那里。他们也在休斯顿。 I grew up between both countries, between two different cultures. I grew up speaking both languages. I don't remember how I learned Spanish or how I learned English. My mom doesn't seem to remember either. I was in an American school in El Salvador, but that really defined this wholehearted 200 percent Latina American person that I am, that it has defined my career as well. And when I was 18, I moved back to Texas. To go to college. I ended up following a boy to Florida. That's the honest truth.


安娜弗洛雷斯:他要去恩伯里-里德尔,他是个飞行员。事实上,我有很多朋友。盖恩斯维尔有一个很大的拉丁裔社区,那里也有很多萨尔瓦多人。所以,我就在那里找到了。但问题是,我知道我最终想在迈阿密的Univision电视台工作。我当时学的是电视制作,我真的没有榜样。我真的没有导师。我认识的人中没有一个是制片人。但不知何故,我知道这就是我的路。所以在佛罗里达的生活让我更接近这个目标。 And I did go to University of Florida, again, always surrounded by this huge community of Latinos. And we have to really understand that Latinidad wasn’t really what it is now and what it has been growing to. Even, you know, this was like mid 90s, early 90s. And I got my first job, my internship at Univision in Miami and internships back then for TV, I would have to sit and watch the scrolling credits, right? And like,哦,那是执行制片人写一封正确的信,然后试着进入公司。他们甚至没有实习项目。但我在那里开始学习我能学到的一切。毕业不到一年,我就找到了一份工作。我的职业生涯就是在那里开始的。在Univision工作的时候是非常激动人心的96 97年。那是一场青年革命。Latinidad就在我们中间。那时夏奇拉刚从哥伦比亚搬来。我在学习英语。 You know, we were the ones listening to, like bootleg copies of the CDs coming from Colombia, Mexico, whatever. This was when Ricky Iglesias was getting started. Ricky Martin did La Vida Loca in the Grammys, which really changed, that was the first time we felt seen. That was the first time we felt our culture really, really in this main stage. I remember where I was and the moment that I was. So it was a very exciting moment to be in Miami, to be part of the Latino culture and creating content by and for us. But then I fell in love with Mexico City. I used to have to go to work to Mexico a lot. And I think I connected with that deep with that part of it. Obviously, my Latinidad my my Latin roots and that love for the culture that I didn't really have. El Salvador is is not as strong culturally as Mexico is. Not many places are. And and this huge city where I saw that I could do my career, I could work in what I love, and do it from there. So I decided to quit. And that was, I guess, my first journey into entrepreneurship, right. We didn't really also have the word entrepreneurship as much back then. I was a freelancer and and I grabbed all the executive producers from Univision, and I told them, “I will be a freelance producer in Mexico.” And I cashed in my 401K. Not that I recommend people do that when they're 28. But I cashed in my 401K and moved and I, you know, it was actually a really good move in the sense of I was making money as a freelancer, which was much more than the $20,000 I was making a year working as an assistant producer. So that really led me on on a path. But then I ended up years later ended up moving to MTV, Latin America. And also continued working with this more Pan-American Latino — because what Univision is U.S. Hispanics, and learning how to talk to U.S. Hispanics and program and create content for U.S. Hispanics is different from creating content for Pan Latin America, where you are broadcasting to everybody from Argentina to the Caribbean through Central America, South America, which can be very different. Like one word can make a huge difference in Spanish or what it means in Mexico, what it means in Argentina. So I learned how to speak to a more global community of Latinos, right? — which, in Latin America we each identify as the country we're from, not as Latinos. And then that ended up moving to L.A. to…I was the the the team that was in charge of opening up the offices here for Mun2, which was a project of NBC and Universal to create content by and for Latino youth. So back over here doing that.







卡拉·哈里斯:企业界的“顿悟时刻”(Eureka moment)是否已经发生,所有拉丁裔的东西都将变得很重要?它已经发生了吗,或者它甚至已经发生在你自己的意识中了吗?





安娜弗洛雷斯:所以我辞掉了我的工作,因为我辞掉了所有的工作,因为我一直是一个真正的企业家。我做了刻板印象的事。妈妈,女人。正确的。你有了孩子就会辞职。我确实这么做了,因为我真的很想当一段时间的全职妈妈。我不知道的是,我的女儿是2007年出生的,所以经济衰退就发生在第二年。因为我们有两个孩子,我丈夫来自墨西哥。所以,我们所有的家人,我们都单独在这里和朋友在一起。所以,当我辞职后,在八个月内经济衰退袭来,这意味着他失去了工作,这真的很困难。 It hit really particularly hard in L.A. because there was also a writers' strike. So, at the same time, in 2008, the industry shut down. I then also fell into the realization of how hard or almost impossible it is to want to have a job, even if I was willing to like, get, you know, minimum wage. But that wouldn't pay for daycare. So we were stuck. And what I started discovering then was the world of blogs and mom blogs. That's where I was finding out how to be a mom. I was consuming this content, but also finding a community of women that were like me, that were ambitious, that were driven, that knew how to create content, that knew how to build community. And we're doing it through this fabulous medium that I didn't need money for that. I just needed nap times, my daughter's nap times to be able to get it done at home. So I decided to launch Spanglish Baby because I wasn't seeing content for women like me and my partner who Roxana, whom I launched it with. She was an Emmy-winning producer, was going through the same exact things that I was going through, and we both decided to launch Spanglish Baby as a resource for parents raising bilingual and bi-cultural kids. I needed that. I wasn't seeing that in that community of bloggers. And then just in general, right, if I would Google, if I would search for it. So, I decided that I would launch it, that we would create it. And it hit a nerve right away. It was content that was needed. And we were speaking directly from my mom to other moms. We were bringing in experts, et cetera. But to your question, once I, I started getting deep in that, I first of all, I didn't realize how revolutionary it would be to talk about kids learning a second language, about kids learning Spanish. For me, it was, it's like,这不正是我们想要的吗?我的意思是,我们一出生,甚至在子宫里,大脑就有能力学习这种语言。但我们直到高中才开始教它。所以这就变成了一种觉醒。为什么人们给我们这些负面评论,说我们想让我们的孩子说西班牙语,说我们想让我们的文化保持活力,说我们想让他们真的不能与他们的根和遗产有联系。然后我开始对它进行研究。2010年,人口普查结果出来了。最后一次人口普查确实标志着西班牙裔拉丁裔社区正在增长,是增长最快的少数族裔。虽然我不喜欢用这个词,但这是市场营销中仍然使用的术语,资源将被分配。所以,我看到的越多,我就越意识到10年前出生的孩子中有四分之一是拉丁裔,而现在在加州这样的地方,有三分之一是拉丁裔。我想,这就是我们的观众。 And who is speaking to these moms and who is understanding the resources that these moms need? And if I was looking at Disney, and I had many conversations with many people in Disney about: How can we make accessible the content in Spanish? How can we make more content that speaks to our children? Where are the Latina Disney princesses? How can it be that such a huge, you know, vast, rich indigenous culture and beautiful culture cannot be represented by a beautiful princess? Can you imagine a beautiful Inca or Mayan princess? So just really realizing that and seeing that,好的,这里有很多工作要做。博客空间和数字媒体空间的美妙之处在于它使我们的声音民主化,它允许一个在经济衰退中几乎需要领取食品券的母亲能够建立一些东西。创造一些能打动我的东西,为一个不仅被完全忽视,而且被抹去的社区创造内容和能见度。

卡拉·哈里斯:跟我说说你是怎么定义成功的?我敢肯定,当你开始的时候,如果有人回应,那就是成功了。但是当你开始意识到的时候你有一系列的事情。2010年的人口普查表明,这是一个庞大且不断增长的社区,增长最快的社区。这是真正的可支配收入。你意识到没有其他人在这里和你谈话。你一个也找不到。你显然知道有很多观众。所以,需要有人提供内容和信息。所以,如果你从来没有创业过,你就会有点创业的冲动。 How did you define success?

安娜弗洛雷斯:听。当没有人这样做的时候,真的很难定义成功。当我要和周围的人交谈时,从家人到我钦佩和信任的人,这很困难。我会说,你知道,我在看这个博客,但我在背后有一个非常大的愿景。就像,“Ay que真可爱!”多可爱,对吧?就像,哦,她是个妈妈博主。太可爱了。就好像没有比这更重要的事情。我们再次谈到,2009年,当我推出博客,2010年,我们已经写了一年半的博客,真正看到了成功,因为社区的回应。这对我们来说就是成功。如果我收到某人的评论说,你知道吗,有太多关于培养双语儿童的神话,我们会如何伤害他们,因为他们将不会说任何语言。你会把他们弄糊涂的。他们说,多亏了你提供的信息和资源,我知道我现在可以用双语抚养我的孩子了,我知道该怎么做了。这对我们来说就是成功。一次一个母亲,一次一天,一次一个孩子。然后转变为:我们需要盈利。我们写博客已经有一年了。 And we had been really building a community of other Latina mom bloggers that were coming. Twitter really helped. Twitter was one where we were put, you know, we would connect, we would find each other. There wasn't Facebook groups. There wasn't Instagram. It was just really that and and email groups and comments on blogs. And that's where we were starting to meet each other. But it was the same thing. Nobody, none of us were monetizing yet at that moment. What we now know as influencer marketing was at its infancy and it was mostly mom bloggers, a handful of them, that were creating these networks where they would work with the brands to try to help them understand this fascinating world of blogging and digital media and in how they could speak to the…reach moms through mom bloggers and the authentic content that they were creating. And they would connect the bloggers with brands. So actually, it was going to conferences like BlogHer and different kinds of conferences that I was able to go to that I started meeting a lot of these women and I did become the token Latina and I understood it. And I knew exactly what I was gonna do with that, because that would allow me to open doors and to learn and to bring opportunities. And they were more than willing to teach me and to push me forward to be why aren't you doing what we are doing. Right? Because they didn't know how to speak to the Latina mom, or they didn't know how to talk to these brands that were not the multicultural agencies to help them understand the importance of reaching this audience. But I could. So, I decided to launch what is now #WeAllGrow Latina. Back then, in 2010, again with a laptop, Google Drive and a Wordpress site. And a logo that a friend did…and I launched Latina Bloggers Connect. And and I basically said, if you want to join this network and I will do my work to work with the brands to bring opportunities to all of us, because unless we start monetizing, we weren't going to be able to have our story shared.


安娜弗洛雷斯:所以我肯定是通过参加会议来学习的,这就是为什么我最终创建了自己的会议,因为我知道把所有这些团体聚集在一个地方的好处。所以去参加那些会议,与品牌代表、代理机构见面,等等,然后学习如何达成交易。同样,影响者营销这个术语当时并不存在。所以我们都是博客网络。预算到处都是。我们都想弄清楚。我确实犯了一个错误,因为你们需要理解,我知道你们也知道,大约10%的营销资金被分配给了多元文化营销。这意味着多元文化营销是西班牙裔,非裔美国人,LGBTQ,亚裔美国人,美国原住民。我的意思是,这都是一个多元文化的群体。所以,如果10%是给我们的,这意味着你开始,你知道,切开蛋糕,而拉丁裔人得到的不到1%。 So even though I was meeting all these brands, I needed to connect with, it was always the multicultural teams. If it wasn't the multicultural teams, we really probably wouldn't get the door open. So that meant that even though the bloggers that we were working with and the work that we were doing had the same value of the dollar, we were only getting pennies to the dollar. So, as it was, my budgets were much smaller, but I had to learn that along the way. So I could learn from them the techniques and tactics and we were all always sharing with each other what worked and what type of campaigns worked. But the budgets themselves were kind of like the Wild, Wild West.


安娜弗洛雷斯:哦,当然。我们做了很多说服工作。到处都是。人们对博客很好奇因为博客本身很新,处于婴儿期公关界,媒体和广告都在试图找出它适合的地方以及如何投资它,对吧?以及该怎么做。所以我们的工作就是说服他们投资拉丁裔,而不仅仅是拉丁裔母亲,因为那时有更多的生活方式博主,千禧一代等等。所以基本上没有很多数据,我们也不是一家研究公司。所以我们甚至不能带回任何东西,我们从我们的博主所接触的受众那里得到的数据对他们来说并不是那么有意义。它必须来自一个更权威的来源。就像我说的,有人口普查。 The Pew Research had been doing some research on and some fascinating studies on Latinos. But what really changed the game for us, specifically for Latinas, was the Nielsen Latina report, which came out around 2016, led by Monica Gil, who's now V.P. in Telemundo. And she really, really, really brought forward the force of the Latina consuming power. But in general, we already know that the Hispanic purchasing power is over $1.7 trillion. Actually, if we were a nation, we would be number seven in the world based on our GDP power, that's right behind India. So we definitely have the financial force. But really, we need the data to really showcase how Latinas are overarching and over indexing in consumers, especially when it comes to beauty products, to electronics, moviegoers. Right? We buy the tickets at the box office. And all of that really helped to start to inform that narrative and to understand that this was a valuable proposition, to actually reach the Latino community via people, via these voices that they already looked up to and trusted.






安娜弗洛雷斯:完全正确。是的。都是品牌宣传。绝对是品牌活动。再说一次,我们能够,因为我们是第一批进入这个领域的,拉丁裔领域的。一年内,我们很快就遇到了竞争。它来自男人。试图接触到这些看到潜力的观众,对吧?-看到了足够的潜力,不想投资,而是想自己创造它。这很好。 Competition was really healthy, and it was great. But it definitely came from the brand partnerships and reinvesting into the company. See, the thing is that we didn't sell a product. We sold a service. So, I didn't have collateral. So even if I wanted to go to the banks and to get a line of credit, I was denied completely because I didn't have any collateral.


安娜弗洛雷斯:所以这些品牌活动,特别是影响者营销实际上是非常具有交易性的。所以基本上,就是要知道他们的预算是多少,他们的目标是什么,以及他们想要的网红的形象。然后我们就可以带着预算和可交付成果回去了。所以博客帖子和Instagram帖子是不一样的。Instagram上的帖子和推特不一样。它们都有不同的价值。所以我们实际上会给每个帖子分配一个美元价值。这也取决于接触和参与的程度。而且这些指标还在不断变化。但通常情况下,他们所寻找的是我们所关注的每个影响者的印象。 So, it's either a hashtag impression, if it's a hashtag heavy campaign, or it is per deliverable per influencer and then the formulas to add up, and then our profit margins, we would try to have them around 50 percent. So it's 50/40 percent profit margin for each campaign.


安娜弗洛雷斯:你知道的。所以,在2010年,我们现在讨论的关于女性,尤其是拉丁裔女性的风险投资的话题,还没有出现。因为我创造的东西太新颖了。在一个仍然被认为是新兴市场或多元文化市场的市场中。人们没有看到它的价值。我知道这一点。所以我必须做出决定。我要把我宝贵的时间花在作为一个母亲和一个企业家上吗?那时我有一个12人的团队,去创造和满足我的社区和客户的需求?还是我要花时间去争取。我已经40岁了,想要进入加速器,还得在那里待上6个月? Or am I going to just keep doing what we're doing so well and count on that money and count on that growth. And I decided the latter, that we would keep going. I have had several offers for acquisitions, again, from men, who saw the impact of what we were doing but needed to check it off as their Latina initiative. And we became so community driven. We became so mission driven. And once we truly understood the impact of what we were doing at-large for the community and our overall visibility and representation, that I wasn't willing to give that up.


安娜弗洛雷斯:是的,完全。因此,它为我们创造了一个安全的空间,让我们可以在现实生活和网络中进行交流。我们一直都能做到这两点。我们还在做广告和网红。但作为一部分,不是一次性的活动,也不是我们过去每月做20次的活动,因为我们有了更多的整合营销活动,我们可以真正为社区移动针头,并在品牌的帮助下做到这一点。对吧?这是一个缓慢的举动。所以我知道,这很有趣。所以,这个故事的一部分是,当我们在2015年发起这个会议时,我这样做是为了满足一种需要,不仅因为我知道那是我学习的地方,还因为每次我去参加这些会议,我仍然只有几个拉丁裔。我当时想,我在这里学到了很多东西。我需要更多的女性来获得好处。但是越来越多的拉丁裔会问我,“你打算什么时候开会议?”然后我会在第三季度和第四季度找到品牌。你知道,我们的客户他们在为下一年做预算,问我:“你要开一个会议吗?我们应该在那里分配一些东西吗?”我当时想,好的。很明显,有这样的需求,而且我有足够的资源来实现它。那时,我们已经在业内建立了良好的声誉。我发起了这次会议。我宣布了。露得清是我们的冠名赞助商。事实上,我和他们谈过了,和经纪公司谈过了。我解释了我想做什么。他们说,好吧,如果你建造,它会在那里,但你必须建造它。所以他们没有在虚线上签字。他们只是告诉我"我们会支持你"但我必须宣布。我必须让它发生。我必须展示出来,因为当你第一次创建一个会议时,你没有证据,对吧?你没有一个你正在卖的产品一个我可以去推销的产品或者《创智赢家》的某个地方。这是一个想法。这是一个概念。这是一副牌。所以你必须要有信誉,你必须已经在品牌中赢得了这种信心,这些品牌将成为货币化的人,而社区将购买门票。 So I announced it. I set a date. I didn't even have a venue. Don't do this. That's how I did it. But that's not how I recommend people do it. And within a week, we had sold over 100 tickets. Neutrogena signed on the dotted line and we had the first conference for 250 people sold out within the next ten months. And then by the next year, it grew to five hundred. We changed venue, location, and it just continued growing where we would sell out within hours, ten months in advance. So the community was helping us monetize as well because it was that, them buying the tickets, et cetera, that would help us say, like,好的,我们已经准备好了,你知道,用接下来的10个月来举办这次会议.我们甚至不会宣布演讲者。由于会议本身已经拥有的声誉,以及人们将在那里学到的东西和他们将与谁建立联系所产生的巨大涟漪效应,会议只能靠自己来销售。




安娜弗洛雷斯:你知道,这是社区。我们想成为去社区,让拉丁裔真正感受到被关注,被倾听。但从那时起,我们的力量和我们这代人的财富就能增长。我们真的想关注我们的财政因为我们的消费能力,我们的GDP,我们的购买力和它的回归之间存在很大的脱节,对吧?雷竞技手机版app我们还没有积累财富。我们并没有把这些财富留在我们的社区内。我们没有保障这一代人的财富。因此,我们现在正在做的和提出的所有工作都不能随着这一代人而消失。我们需要为我们的孩子、他们的孩子、他们的孩子创造一个更美好的未来,因为我们知道,这就是这个国家财富的积累方式。这就是我们看到的。我们看到了一个可以继续建立信心的地方。 We never say that we want to empower Latinas because we have the power. We just want to help you unleash it, and see it, and feel the confidence to use it and to put it forward. And we really want to be that place where you will learn not only from finances but doing it from that lifestyle place. And hopefully we'll be back in person really soon. But we want this to become a global movement.




























你今天从安娜·弗洛雷斯身上学到了什么?发送你的想法carlapod@morganstanley.com.我们很乐意听到你的消息。在苹果播客或任何你听的地方订阅Access & Opportunity。谢谢你能来!


安娜·弗洛雷斯(Ana Flores)是第一个也是最大的拉丁裔数字网红社区的创建者,也是拉丁裔拥有的公司中仅有的1%收入达到100万美元大关的公司之一。在这一集里,安娜带我们回顾了她在萨尔瓦多和休斯顿之间的成长经历,她早期的电视生涯,以及她的创业精神,这让她创办了自己的第一家公司。今天,在她庆祝#WeAllGrow Latina Network成立10周年之际,她继续通过社区的力量提高拉丁裔的声音。来吧,加入我们的旅程。
