  • 访问和机会播客
  • 2021年2月18日












安德烈伊戈达拉:好吧,我会试着给它最短的可能的版本,但这是一个伟大的旅程。成为一名职业运动员,你会得到所有这些负担扔你一个俯冲时。只要你的名字宣布不久你签署了一份合同,然后全世界都知道你的薪水。你知道的,所有这些东西强加给你。这是在年轻的时候。你十九,二十岁,你想在生活中找出所有这些事情。很明显,你知道,我们的公立学校的教育体系非常不足。发生的是我们没有金融教育,我们都真正需要处理财富的成功,这是强加给我们,快,你知道的。尽管它的一个小的我们,没有人曾经平衡支票簿。很多人从来没有缴税的。 A lot of guys it’s the first actual job they've ever had. So there’s a lot that goes into that. And you go through these different programs and they try to give you life lessons and teach you ten-fifteen years’ worth of game in four days. And it goes into how do you scope out someone is trying to get over on you. You know, how do you scope out the understanding of you filing taxes in every state that you play in. How you're trying to scope out what budgeting means? How are you trying to figure out, you know, what's realistic in terms of living within your means and understanding compound interest and all those things that come about, the percentage of athletes to go through divorces, the percentage of athletes to file for bankruptcy, within two or three years of their careers ending, and what's the real average years of an athlete's lifespan. That's like three or four years. People really don't understand that. And then that triggered a light bulb in my head and told me to figure out a lot of these things that they're seeing are the major issues for professional athletes and finances were a bigger part of that. So, I just tried to align myself with people who were smarter than me, who had expertise who will hold me accountable for learning on my own, going out and getting the knowledge myself, and then having a passion to go get the knowledge for myself and led me to an E-Trade account. Take a small piece of your savings and you just start dipping into having different stocks. And, you know, it's your money. You don't want to lose it. So, you're trying to understand why stocks go up, why they go down, market cap, stress the weaknesses of the company, opportunities for the company to scale and threats of competitors and what other competitors are doing as well. And this just leads you into this whole new world. And then once you're you know, you really care about your wealth, you realize that it’s not a job. It's just something that you learn to enjoy and you learn how people grow their wealth. You see other people who have more money than you. I know one of my favorite books was Snowball Effect on Warren Buffett. And pretty much he was just a basketball player, but it was collecting coins. You know, he just started collecting coins early instead of dribbling the basketball. And the same expertise I got on the basketball court, he was getting in the money world. And once I understood that, I'm like, hey, we can we can all do this. You know, it's just about having the right perspective, the right understanding, the patience. You know, so there's a lot of things that I learned throughout that. But the E-Trade account really helped me get into the tech space because I saw myself starting to invest in a lot of tech companies. And the iPhone came out around that time and I was a big Apple fan. So, I was following Apple very closely and from there, it's just like I was just thrust into a new world.

卡拉·哈里斯:哇。好吧,我要告诉你,安德烈,你只给了我们一个了不起的剧本。现在让我们快速前进。它是2011。有一个在NBA停摆,你利用这段时间而不是继续工作的工艺与之关联的报税表,你去实习在我们的一个竞争对手,美国银行美林(Merrill Lynch),每周只做长期实习。告诉我们为什么,可能是重要的给你。

安德烈伊戈达拉:是的,这是一个伟大的经验。在那个时候,我刚和费城76人队签下了一份大合同。我有一个很好的,我叫它吓一大跳,哪里像你签署一个合同,然后签上你的大合同,就像现在,的确是一个不同的世界。你有很多东西。我很高兴我经历了这个阶段非常快,我经历了生活或任何他们称之为高。我理解快速了,真的,这只是物质的东西。我意识到这对我来说并不是真的。就像,有更强大的你能做什么财务如果你如果你把你的努力。所以我得到一个好的基金经理和我们一起把剧本的速度我们可以保存一定数量的钱。和剧本我的钱经理当时是安全的,这对我来说是好的,因为它是所有关于储蓄——我们称之为叠加——只是尽可能堆放了很多你不需要的东西。 So you learn about assets and liabilities. So, the lockout happens, and I say, let's make some-- let's make something of this time that you're off. Let's not just sit around and I get my work done in the gym and then you have all this time on your hands as an athlete, you have a lot of free time. That's what people don't understand. A lot of athletes struggle with that free time. So, it was brought up, hey, how about you come in and learn about what I do? And that's something I always wanted to do. And then look at some other areas in the different financial space, whether it be a day trader, I went to see a day trader, which was a lot of fun. Got to see how business worked for him and how he was moving different stocks for different clients. And on the same trip, on the same internship, I was with a venture capitalist and I was in New York. So it was interesting, venture capitalists from New York and Silicon Valley, but they weren't as known in New York at that time. Now they're all over because, you know, you can you can work remotely. But he took me to Tesla, which was very, very interesting. Yes, it was one of the very first showrooms and actually got in their first roadster. I could barely fit in it. But, you know, it just opened my eyes to a new world because at the time I still didn't quite understand. But it kind of just got the interest kind of starting to work in the brain in terms of this is a company that doesn’t take gas. It works off, you plug it in a battery and it's like, this isn't going to work. But that was good for me to see to see where the company is now. And I actually have a Tesla and I'm like a Tesla advocate and I'm telling everybody to get it, all those different things. And then you see how the companies, it just got reported that it's going to enter the global S&P 500 and it’s like how the world comes around and works its way around when you put those efforts in and you kind of put the energy out there. So, we saw another company and I don't think that company exists. But it was a company I actually enjoyed seeing. It was a startup company that basically gave folks points for recycling. So, you got recycling points. But that one is the one I was like, OK, now things are starting to think differently. Like you can make a company out of pretty much anything and now you just try and figure out what type of company you want to invest in and what to look for and what worked and what didn't work.



安德烈伊戈达拉:所以知道企业家如何运行一个公司,执行,做所有的事情,你开始建立一个伟大的企业家。然后,你知道,你在看一个公司的部门可以规模,公司可以长出来,无论是通过社区,这样的公司在SAAS的空间,你知道的,软件作为一种服务,工作在幕后,不性感,他们的利润在不同层面上比一般投资者会理解。我也做了另一个实习通过摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)在软件的地方raybet炉石传说我能满足,这是四年前,我遇到了PagerDuty,我遇到了Datadog, CloudFlare, Qualtrics在那里。所有这些大公司都在那里。我满足所有这些公司,你知道的,两三年后,他们都上市。就像之前我遇到了这些公司,但它只是显示了像,你知道,如果你想要这些知识对你有,你只需要走出去。

卡拉·哈里斯:是的,这是毫无疑问的。所以你学到现在投资于这些公司后,与其他投资者特别是并排,他们如何思考。而且不只是关于损益表和资产负债表,甚至有机会形式上的公司或有多大的市场。很多,特别是当你是早期投资者,这是我的大学习后在这个领域在过去近五年。真的是这个人是否可以把它带回家。我通常对CEO说,我曾经跟我们带他们,我认为有两个问题,你必须能够回答CEO:为什么是我,为什么是现在呢?因为在一天结束的时候,他们押注,赌你是否知道游戏和游戏的第一季度上市公司后,你最好打击这些数字。所以你做路演的其中一个原因是,我需要看着你的眼睛,确保你理解它,或者加交付。为什么现在是总有理由等投资公司,等待,看看他们要做的,等着看是否他们的数字。所以你必须创建这个稀缺的错觉。 I.e., if you don't come in now, then you're going to miss it. You'll never see it again at this price, which again takes some skill in terms of doing this over and over again. Were there any skills that you called upon from being a professional basketball player that you think has helped you in the way you critique, look at opportunities, even find opportunities, maybe it's your network that has opportunities coming to you. But what have you leveraged from Andre, the pro basketball player, to Andre the investor?

安德烈伊戈达拉:是的。然后我让我补充市场。市场是非常重要的。我们看到你看市场,这样的公司可能会导致你的公司。你看到标普似乎是买不起了6 - 7个月。你看不到未来的疫苗。它是疫苗。它的开始,但它不会是可用的,你看5 - 6个月,然后你开始看到很多股票开关。你看到的很多娱乐和邮轮公司,其股票也开始反弹的利好消息,尽管他们可能不会完全去6个月左右。所以,市场,这些公司有可能进入是非常重要的。 And that's understanding early on where the company-- you're looking at, where the company will be two years down the road, five years down the road, ten years down the road. And I would say as an athlete that there's similar parallels in that as well, because when you're looking at NBA draft tomorrow, which is funny, you draft a player who's nineteen, twenty years old. The draft is getting younger and younger and they're drafted on where a guy will potentially be in in five years. And you have to try to navigate through all the noise, what this guy looks like today versus what he would look like if you groom him and you put him in the right culture. And when I'm talking to entrepreneurs, we talk about the culture of the company as well. You know, when you have pre-seed and you have seed companies, you know, they're just getting the product out. They're getting their go to market strategy ready. But when they start to really form their company, usually when you make an investment, a board seat comes along if your investment is a large amount, when you get around 10 percent of the company, which is what Catalyst Fund does, we look to invest early in lead rounds. So we're looking to get a board seat to help the company grow, to build their culture. And as an athlete, being on championship teams, being on teams who have overachieved, being on teams who haven't done quite as well, you get an understanding of what the right culture looks like. How to drive people the right way. I've had about 9-10 coaches, I had a lot of coaches throughout my career professionally and taken the good and taken the bad with me on this side as well. Knowing what different personalities, you have to approach differently, especially the ego driven world that we live in, in the sports and tech world. I didn't understand that until I started doing deep dives with these entrepreneurs, that there was a lot of egos, not just in the sports world, but just in life in general. And especially you got these top engineers who are being targeted by, you know, the top stocks, the fang stocks, you know, Facebook, you know, Google, Microsoft. You know, all these companies are looking for the top engineers. So they're being groomed and wined and dined with a lot of these different stock options and bonuses. So, there's egos there, too. And I've done a lot of a lot of fireside chats with companies and just been talking about culture. So, culture is a big one and it can determine your trajectory once you get to the IPO or pre-IPO space and you start to become a public company and there's a lot more that comes with it.










安德烈伊戈达拉:,当你看公司的金融电子表格的利润和利润率,公司拥有最多样化的董事会,大多数多元文化在他们的公司,他们有一个记录和证明的事实胜于雄辩的数据显示了更多样的你的公司,你的回报越高。一旦你把它扔给了他们,不可否认它。的消息,我已经给这最后一年半内当我与人交谈。因为你可以总是说,嘿,你必须包括我们更多,你知道,他们可以给你搪塞。我们都知道他们担心当有危机最近广泛的社会不公正。和社区和消费者都看到公司是什么,他们现在的使命宣言,雷竞技手机版app你知道,你在做什么给你支持谁?现在比以往有更多的,是惊人的。你看到一个由消费者和问责制的技术空间。雷竞技手机版app数据越多,你越能知道谁和你购买,你看到公司正在开始特别节目,嘿,我们试图帮助环境。嘿,我们尝试使用可回收的垃圾。 Hey, we're not wasting food. Hey, we're doing these different things so the consumer's smarter and they’re holding these companies accountable for what they stand for. So, these VC's and these investors, the LP's, the family offices, you know, they have to show their portfolio as well and who they're investing in and who they're aligning themselves with. So that's my message to them, is that the proof's in the pudding, who do you really stand with? Who are you trying to help? What are you trying to do? Are you just thinking about yourself or is the whole in mind? And it's not really just the whole, but it makes actual financial sense to have everyone included. And that has to resonate with them.


安德烈伊戈达拉:球员技术峰会是一个竞技场,汇集了运动员和VC的世界。在专家面前,把它们和听力直接从他们的总体目标,知道尺度。有很多不同的来自这个,但它下降到这是两个世界的真正本质需要结婚了。他们肯定在很多不同方面相互影响。你看到混乱的内容在很多不同的领域以及体育在。你谈论包,拆分,但最终运动包是电缆公司。有这么多的力量。它直接在玩家的手中,大多数的两个强大的联盟,NFL和NBA在美国和你谈论足球和NBA在全球范围内,那些活跃的渗透是非洲裔美国人在这些体育联盟。所以,有很多的价值在我们的结婚,只是体育世界和科技的世界,只是完美的时机。我们将继续增长这个东西。 And it's just a beautiful thing. But ultimately, just getting the players to have that realization that, you know, the traditional business deals are changing. It’s not your traditional cut and paste marketing deals where it's a simple transaction-- I pay you X amount of dollars and I put your face next to my product, there's more power in it in saying, you know, there is a transaction, but then there's also you can leverage equity within companies and not necessarily asking for one percent of the company when you want to do a deal. It's I want to do a deal with your company with the option that I can take my own money and invest in your company, opening up shares for me. And I think we haven't quite got there yet. I'm kind of giving the blueprint, the playbook, but it's a direction we got to start thinking more about it being more strategic with how we do deals in the tech space.






安德烈伊戈达拉:是的,保持建筑,你知道,我刚刚谈到的只是轻轻在我大约五明年即将到来的ipo,然后,你知道,现在我们期待着明年来构建出谁会显示在2022年上市,那么是谁在2023年上市,这只是日常工作。现在这是你的日常工作。然后从那里,作品本身。你开始让你的钱为你工作,你知道的,正如他们所说,在VC的复利。然后就继续加强与运动员。我们试图做什么球员们比以往任何时候都变得越来越商业头脑。我觉得你开始看到,球员工会已经开始变得比以往更多的商业头脑,开始觉得事情有点不同。教育的部分可能是最对我来说,因为我学到的是我在世界上最聪明的人。和他们总是回到每年都有新的东西出现,我要学习。我总是要继续学习和教育自己下一步我们会在哪里。 And you want to become the markets where you're seeing things six months, a year out.

卡拉·哈里斯:这是我学到的一件事情很早就在我的职业生涯中,聪明的人是最好奇的人。你知道,接受教育和智能是两个非常不同的事情。而且,你知道,你的好奇心,更重要的是,你的心和激情想要确保你周围的人,谁也不知道或不知道,你传播方面的知识你都做些什么。,我认为你是对的,在球员协会,你们有一个神奇的机会,有自己的学院,如果你愿意,在一些事情如果你得到一份大合同,你没有钱,你不是说机会不是你可以学到一些东西,你不需要缝在一起你可能有近二十年前。从这个,有点小的一个。现在,你知道人们不知道,需要知道第一个合同,第二个合同,第三,你知道的。然后可以把他们在一起并建立路线图。我的帽子是你,如果摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanleraybet炉石传说y)可以帮助你,让我知道。无论如何,我们的最后一件事。我们喜欢闪电轮,这样我们的听众将有机会了解安德烈的人多一点。 Are you ready?






























